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SpaceClaim believes that technology should work for you, not the other way around. Technology should make your job easier, not more complicated.

SpaceClaim modeling software thinks like you think…

SpaceClaim enables anyone to create, edit, or repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology. With SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it.

Users of SpaceClaim can:

- Edit, repair, and create any geometry - without worrying about where the file comes from

- Increase productivity by removing the CAD bottleneck in your workflow

- Manipulate geometry faster, easier, and more intuitively resulting in less time spent struggling with geometry and more time   dedicated to primary job functions such as manufacturing, analysis, and concept modeling

 SpaceClaim Direct Modeling Software

Key Features

Click Here to Visit SpaceClaim Design Webpage


SpaceClaim is designed to let anyone edit and create 2D and 3D CAD data. SpaceClaim’s unique user interface enables anyone to work in 3D but, it is not a lifestyle tool like complex CAD systems. Engineers don’t need to use SpaceClaim daily to remain proficient. Engineers who aren’t CAD specialists -- and don’t want to be -- can learn SpaceClaim in hours instead of weeks.

Special Applications Include: Sheet Metal - Fixtures - Mold Making

Click Here to Learn More About SpaceClaim’s Unique Place in Manufacturing Solutions



SpaceClaim offers intuitive tools that are perfect for reverse engineering. With SpaceClaim, STL files and solids can be easily altered to recreate perfect models for parts and fixtures. Users can even start with 2D models. Imperfect data from worn components or a dirty scan can be quickly corrected.For reverse engineering, SpaceClaim is unmatched in terms of power, ease of use, and flexibility.

Click Here to Learn More About SpaceClaim’s Reverse Engineering Capabilities

 Reverse Engineering


SpaceClaim provides CAE analysts the easiest and fastest tools possible to get geometry ready for simulation. Whether de-featuring CAD geometry, modeling for simulation, or optimizing existing models, SpaceClaim removes the geometry bottleneck, thus freeing engineers to focus on the physics and modeling. By putting simulation users in control of geometry, CAE can drive product development by optimizing models before CAD and validating results post-CAD.

Click Here to Learn More About SpaceClaim’s Use in Simulation & CAE Preparation



Working in tandem with our unique CNC based 3D printing capabilities, SpaceClaim’s intuitive interface allows users to create, edit, and prepare models for 3D printing faster and more efficiently than before. With a new module, we upgraded functionality to allow users to work directly with STL files and automates many prep tools for 3D printing applications.

Click Here to Learn More About SpaceClaim’s 3D Printing Features

 3D Printing


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EPIK, Ltd.